Wednesday 12 November 2014

Final Book covers

Plans for my 4 shoots

Viaduct shoot
For my cubism shoot I decided I wanted to do a shoot for analytical cubism and synthetic cubism. For analytical cubism I decided to photograph the viaduct in my local area to save on time and money. It also mean that I did not have to ask permission from anyone to take these photos. I had the idea to take photographs of people but because of the time limit I was unable to organise for someone to photograph, but hope to in the future. I am quite familiar with the subject I was photographing, I had the idea of trying to capture the long shadows of the viaduct cast in the late afternoon in order to have a good contrast in my images. This was of course dependent on the weather.
The location was close to my house and allowed me to shoot easily at any point in the day. Although there I a risk of cattle being in the field which is the area I wanted to shoot in, as long as I stick to places I can get behind for example trees and the viaduct. It was also a good time of year in relation to the cattle not having young and therefore feeling less threatened by my presence.

Camera, UV filter, phone, warm clothing and suitable footwear based on conditions at hand.

Plan for synthetic cubism
Characteristics that depict synthetic futurism are collections of objects observed and documented form different perspectives. It is not just limited to this however, as synthetic Cubism can also involve multiple media such as the application of a collage of magazines and different materials.
My idea for this image was to gather a collection of similar objects that…reflect people’s obsessions to show people’s mental obsessions with things. After discussion with my teacher she informed me it would be difficult when cutting up the image to see the different objects if they were very similar.  I then decided to photograph areas like tables or vanity tables that have objects used daily, to reflect people’s personality and how they live.

Planning for night time shoot

During the contextual studies lecture we were informed of the basic characteristics that depict a futuristic image.  After observing the abstract image of “The car has passed” by Giacomo Balla I had the idea of photographing cars at night. I wanted capture speed and power even if the car is not present in the image. I wanted the images to have a modern feel. Due to the short timescale I had to produce these images I decided to photograph in my local area, Thornton. As I live on the main road in Thorton I felt it would be safer to photograph near my house to ensure I could get home safely as I was shooting the pictures alone. This also saved on travel expenses as I didn’t want to spend money unnecessarily.
I decided to set up my equipment at home. I used my tripod, trigger release and darkening filter so I could have my lense open for longer. I set all my equipment up inside in order to not to carry lots of bags and to be able to move quickly. I also took my phone, warm clothing and a flash light.

 Plan for my Futurism shoot in Bradford
I decided to shoot the pedestrian crossing outside the Alhambra theatre as there are always people crossing there. I liked the idea of capturing people crossing and then cars crossing and later on over lapping the images. I also liked how I could capture the cars moving while people were stationary and waiting to cross, as it emphasised the speed and power. I knew I had support and therefore I could get to the location easily and therefore all I needed was money for parking.
I decided to go at dinner time and stay for an hour, as I thought it would be a busy time with lots of people crossing and an hour seemed like a long enough time frame.
Tripod, camera, trigger release, dark filter, phone and warm clothes. 

Messing in Photoshop Cubisum

Third futurism shoot Movement and lights contact sheet

Second Futurism shoot The crossing Contact sheet

First Futurism Shoot Night time Cars Contacted Sheet

Second Shoot Synthetic Cubism Table Contact sheet

First shoot Analytical cubism Contacted sheet