Sunday 1 February 2015

How to create a Film strip in Photoshop

How to create a Film strip in Photoshop

This is how to make a film strip and add music to it.

First got to File ans select New. A task box like the one below should appear.

In the Preset box change the setting to Flim and Video. In the Size box change it to PAL D1/DV. Check the Width is set to 720 pixels with the resolution set to 72 pixels/inch. Leave the background contents a the preset white and press ok.  

Once you have pressed ok the following image above should appear. This will acted as a background to your images. Now its time to open a Timeline to make the film strip. Go to Windows Option at the top of the screen and scroll down till you find the Timeline. Click it and a timeline stripe should appear at the bottom of the screen. 

Once the strip has been opened it is time to add a layer, as a starting point to the video. So, go to Layer at the top of the screen and scroll down to Video Layers to selected New blank video Layer. Once selected a new layer will appear on the time line. 

To add your images go to the plus icon at the end of the time line Layer one and Choose the image you wish to add to the film strip (remember to make sure that the images selected are the resized ones). Press ok.  

Not that the image has been added you can alter the duration for how long the image will play, by hovering the mouse over the either end of the sprite. The cursor will change to a double ended arrow and buy dragging it you can change the length the image will be played for.  

Now to add the music that will be accompanying the video. Below the Layer there should be an Audio Track option on the Timeline task bar. go to the far right hand side a press the plus icon on the bar the Audio Track is on. This will open your files and from them you should selected your chosen music track. You can adjust the length of the sound track the same way as with your images. The green bar added is your Timeline is the music.   

After you have added all the images and sound (adjusting there time accordingly) it's time to Export your film strip. Preview your work you can press the play icon on the Timeline Task box. After your happy, go to File, Export and select Render video. 

The Render Video Task box should then open. Make sure you know which folder it will be transferred to. Have the dialogue box set to Adobe media encoder and set the format to Quick Time. make sure the setting match my example then press Render and watch the magic happen. 

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