Sunday 1 February 2015

Music I think would link with my idea

Adventure/Discovery mood music

My in my video I want to create a mood that reflects the adventurous nature of my bear, as he explores the world around him. Premiumbeat is one of the websites that offers you music on a pay once policy. The music is quit expensive at $39.95 so, I don't think I will be using it in the end. These are the tracks I  found that I think will best link with my music,

Together we can by Ben Being
Time: 1:59

The upbeat and repetitive sound creates the illusion of motion taking place thought the ticking of the clock. This makes it a good soundtrack to play with my images, as you get the feeling of the day passing by as Buttons goes on his adventure.

Colors of the world by Last Harmies
Time: 2:52

This song would go well with the theme of adventure. Its a very bright and determined sound giving the impression that Button will have to overcome some form of challenge in his day out.

Your World by Delicate beat's
Time: 2:05

This song is amazing for creating a build up in atmosphere and build's up for a climax towards the end of the journey. The ticking of the clock helps for flow and time throughout the image's playing. With the sound slowing down towards the end. This helps to let the viewer know that this that the film reel is about to come to finish.

Out of the Bubble buy Allegory music
Time: 2:31

I love this song because it can express a fascination for the world around us, as well as, sound like a person is walking. The magical and curious sound can be used to express the bears fascination of the world and its new surroundings. Its  almost like the bear is a child.

A Great Adventure by Richard Canavan
Time: 2:45

The flow and progressive build up to this song works well in creating a scene of discovery, as the bear is excited to be trying something new.

Gentle/ Light mood music

Fantastic Voyage by Olive Musique
Time: 2:09

This song and your world are my favourite ones out of all of the ones I have looked at. This song is so light and upbeat which is what I want to express in my work. The childish and fun nature of the bear can be expressed through this piece. The music expresses the curious nature as buttons explores the house and the world around and him. I like this music because it can express the way the buttons copies human actions whilst betraying him as a child mimicking what he has seen his parents do.
Even though the music is expensive I get to use it without royalties attached for as long as I want and I will not be breaking any copyright laws in the process. I think I'm going to try create my own music using a program I have called dance DJ four( let hope it still works). But, I won't be able to create this level of quality music as the sound program I have is really for remixes and not for creating such captivating and fantasy based music. Paying for this music is another option but I think I'm going to try and find a royalty free website that offers the music for free as long as I credit the artist in my work. As for this project I am not willing to spend any money just yet, as for me this work is more of a practice for creating a stop motion music video.

Feelin' Good
Time: 2:14

This song is so upbeat and creates a light a happy atmosphere, so I have chosen to use it for my final work. This song is royalty free and free to uses , as long as I credit the artist.

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