Saturday 31 January 2015

How to create Actions and Batch Actions in Photoshop

How to create Actions

In order to create an action the first thing you need to do is open the action bar menu. To do this go to the Windows option at the top of the screen and scroll don't till you find the Actions option. Click it.

After you have selected the option a Task box will appearer on the right hand side of the page.

To create an new Action you need to selected 'Create New Action' on the bottom of the task box( its right next to the bin icon on the bottom of the task box.)
 An options box will appear on the screen and for now just leave it on is default settings. Press record and the new action will start to take note of every action you take, until you press the stop button. For now press the stop button and go the File, Open to selected an image to demonstrate this next part.

Once the image is open press the Record button again so the Action can follow what you are going to do to the image. For my project I will be creating the Action to resize my images to create a video strip. So, I selected the Image option and select Image Size.

When the task box appears I will change my images With to 720 pixels so all my images will be the same size and fit on the film reel. Once I've pressed ok its time to stop the recording in the Actions task box, as that is the only action i want to be repeated to all my images.

Once finished remember to Save As the image under a new name or in a new folder, so you know which images are resized for the film strip. 

Creating a Batch Action

Now that the Action is made its time to create a Batch Action to make life easier. A Batch Action will take a batch of images a preform the chosen Action on them all. One after the other. Before you change your images make sure there all placed in one folder. Now to to create a Batch Action got to File, Automate and then Batch.

A task box like the one above should appear. In the Play section select the action you want to us. In Source select the folder with the images you want to change and in Destination selected a folder to transfer the new sized images into. I suggest making a new folder entirely. Press ok a watch the magic happen. Now the only problem I have come across is that you need to create more than one action for Portrait images with the hight set to 720 pixels. I suggest you separate Landscape on Portrait images into two folders for the source but, have them go to the same destination so that all the resized images are together in the end.   

Friday 30 January 2015

After the Shoot on the 17th


After my shoot Refection

From this experience I have learned the preparation is key, as anything can happen. On the day of the shoot I was informed that my sister would not becoming due to the severe weather conditions But, this information proved to be false and she showed up earlier than expected. I was severely unprepared to take photos that day. From this experience I have learnt that preparation is the key with anything and that even if in the future client do not show up, or cannot make it, I should still be set up ready to shoot, as things can change dramatically depending on the situation and I find it to be more professional. I also learnt from the shoot that working with children is extremely difficult as they can’t always understand what to do or how to perform a task that has being given to them; especially when they are only four years old. My shoot overall failed because I could not successfully get the images that I had planned to take. The timescale given to me was limited to an hour which would not have been long enough to complete all the different location shoots I had planned for that day. I will now have to rethink how to develop my idea. To include the changes that will be needed, whilst keeping the concept of human presence. I think I'm going to ask my friends for help because they are older and it is easier to instruct them on how I want them to be positioned to take the photo that I need. Harry did not understand that I was trying to shoot the bear and kept putting his head in the frame, as I was taking the picture as you can see from the image below. I think that in the professional world children that are coached in the business probably are easier to work with as they have more of an understanding of what is being asked of them. This is all pure speculation as I've no idea what it is like to work in the professional world. Through this I have learnt that in the future I will have to do extra planning and research on how to work with different age groups in order to get them to cooperate when I'm trying to capture an image, specifically a constructed image rather than a photo simply taken as events take place.

Plan for the 17th of January 2015

Saturday 17th of January 2015

 After talking with my sister beforehand and getting her permission we both agreed that the shoot would take place on the 17th at around 12 noon and will stay till 4pm. I wanted to do the shoot at her home as the natural light in her home is much brighter than mine. But, due to circumstances my home was the decided location. I plan to use artificial light to take my photos as the natural light will not be enough to get a balance contrast and would appear too dark. The rooms that will be set up for the shoot are the living room, kitchen and conservatory. I plan to set up the scenes before they arrive, so I can get any unnecessary element out of my frames. I will be shooting at a relatively low angle, so that I can keep the bear ‘Buttons’ as the main focus of the shoot. I will use other techniques like the rule of third to get a well-balanced image. I only want to include the presence of Harry and not a directed focus on his face, but rather where he places his hands to create a subtle presence. This will show the closeness of own and bear creating a more loving relationship, whiles stress the bear importance. I plan to direct harry on what I want him to do, but still allow him to interact with ‘Buttons’ the way he wants. I plan to follow him around as he interacts with the bear and try to get the day for its perspective. This will create a natural feeling to my images. The only problem I am facing is the weather outcome for the day, as heavy snow is foretasted and may cause problems with my sister’s ability to get to my home. The weather also affects my outdoor shoot for the day as I had planned on having a shoot in the local park at around 2pm. If the weather is bad I may have to change my planning as it would be unsafe for Harry to be out playing in such condition and may affect his heath.  
Things I will need for the shoot:
·         Camera with a spare battery
·         Tripod if needed
·         Toys for Harry to play with
·         Buttons the bear with his tie on
·         Tie
·         Worm clothing for outdoor shoot
·         Winter boot

 Risk Assessment For the Shoot

Assessment Reference:
Unit 3
Activity Description:
Photo-shoot in the Home and Outside
16th January 2015
Alice Milnes

Review Date:

Assessment Team Members:

Overall Potential Risk Factor:
Course Details:
90 Credit Diploma Photography

Number of People Exposed:

Names of People Exposed:
Harry and Alice
Building-Place & Exact Location
445 Thornton road and the local park
Is This An Acceptable Risk?

Persons At Risk and How
Existing Control Measures
What are you currently doing to prevent it?
Risk Level
Additional Control Measures
What else do you need to do?
Risk Level
Falling down the stairs 
Will have an adult with him at all times
Serious Injury
Will now have anything in his hands so he can hold on to the railing.
Minor Injuries
Falling over when running
Tell him to walk not run
Highly likely
Minor Injuries
Will remove potential things he will fall over or hit 
Trivial Injuries
Getting hypothermia
Have him rap up in worm clothing
Minor Injuries
Keep him from getting too wet and only stay out until he complains he’s cold
Trivial Injuries
Slipping on the ice 
Harry and Alice
Hold his hand
Highly likely
Major Injury
Wear boots with good grip on the ice
Minor Injuries
Getting run over by a car
Harry and Alice
Hold his hand
Major Injury
Use the pelican crossing
Trivial Injuries

Assessment Conclusion

The overall risk is very low at 2.5, so the shoot will be taking place.

Thursday 29 January 2015

Object idea

Object idea

Objects are motionless fabrications of human needs and desires. If you were to truly follow the life of an object, you may find it to be a very dull existence. The object I am going to uses for the task is my teddy bear “Buttons”. After being inspired by the Thompson travel advert. I found the daily interaction of a loved stuffed bear and child an interesting concept to follow. I want to be realistic and creative in my planning, as well as, interpretation of this project. To document the relationship of the object and owner makes sense, as we are the ones that give objects their per-pass in life.
If I am allowed I would like to photograph my nephew Harry and the way he plays with Buttons. I plan to make the bear the soul focus of my images, only allowing parts of the child to enter the shots. This isolation of body parts keeps the focus on Buttons whiles still showing human interaction. Think from my perspective as a child I would often believe my toys to have a life of their own. This concept for me was only enhanced by the film “Toy Story”. After I would hide behind doors and jump out trying to catch them in the act, but it never happened. In some of my image I want to capture the bear on its own in the places my nephew leave him to show its motionless nature. Or, only have a shadow present in the image to show how he’s not alone and can’t move on his own.
I would like to create a timeline showing the daily life of my object, whiles creating iconic images of the bear doing human acts like brushing its teeth and travelling places on its own. I want to try give the illusion of free will in my object. In the images the bear will be wearing a tie to give the idea that playing with Harry is his job.  

Below are some of the scenes that I found inspiring form the Thompson travel advert.

i love how sad and neglected he looks in this video clip. The close focus and blurred background really isolate the viewer attention making you feel almost sorry for the bear, like it is a person. this feeling is the type of reaction I want to create within my image. The feeling that the bear is also a person too.

I like this image because it focuses on the bear, but still has the presence of a person within the image. This slight presence of a person without identification works really well in showing the relationship of the bear and owner. I would like to recreate this image in my own style and way.          

Royalty free and Copyright information

Task 4
Royalty Free Music?

In this project we have been asked to produce a film/video strip of are images to tell the story of the day in the life of the objected we have chosen. We have also been asked to accompany this film with music from the web or of our own creation. For this task I have been asked to find out what ‘Royalty Free’ music is and how it will affect the choice of music I will be using.

So what is ‘Royalty Free’ music?

The simplest and most straightforward interpretation of ‘Royalty Free’ music is that it is a type of music licence that allows the purchaser to pay only once of the produced. They can then use the music for as long as they wish and as many times as that want.  For example if you purchase some ‘Royalty Free’ music for video your YouTube video, you would pay one single price and be able use the music for a month or ten years if you wish. This is only a simple definition, so I will explain more about the way this type of music licencing work and how the term can be misunderstood.

Now the term ‘Royalty free’ music simply means that the music you are playing is free of royalties. The opposite term to this is called a ‘Rights managed license’ where the product purchase has a fee (royalties) according to the number of times it is played.  This type of fee-based licensing is also called ‘Needle drop licensing’ which means you pay for every time the ‘Needle’ is dropped to play the record, whereas in ‘Royalty free’ music you only pay for the purchase once.  You can then play the music as many times as you want without having to pay royalties to the artist or creator of the piece you are playing. Now just because the music been used is royalty free this douse not make it FREE. For this type of licensing there is no set price as it is not something that is price structure. It is only a licensing model. Most of the time the music if affordable, but it all depends on what the artists think there work is worth. Do worry there are other ways to get ‘Royalty free’ music for no payment. This happen when a person offers their music for free (Royalty free or not) in exchange for listing/crediting their work when you use it. I think this system works best for people wanting to get free publicity for their work.

Royalty free music is not stock music although, most royalty free music comes from stock music libraries but, they are not synonymous. Stock music libraries offer music already in stock. That is already made and ready to be licensed. Some people consider stop music in a negative light and see it as cheap ‘canned music’. This is not the case. With stock music you have a full range of musical from amateurs to high quality professional music tracks on offer. It is opposite to custom-made music that is created for specific product, like an advert for television. Many stock libraries offer their music on a Royalty free bases, but others can offer them on Rights managed basis so be careful when agreeing to type of licencing offered. The choice of music licensing has nothing to do with the quality of the music itself. Like with any music, ‘Royalty free’ can be from any genre of music.

 Now even though royalty free music is free of royalties and can sometimes be offered free of charge. It is not copyright free as there isn't really such a thing as copyright free. Whoever created the piece of music automatically owns the copyright for the piece. In order to qualify for the right to hold copyright and the individual has to create a piece of work that should be original and show a degree of Labour, skill or judgement. If the creator says anyone can use the music for any purpose, then the copyright owner is giving you the ‘right to copy’ music for any purpose. So it may be free to use but not copyright free. This does not mean that the composer has given you the ‘performing rights’ to the piece. This means that if the work was used in a TV ad the owner of the work can receive composer royalties for the public performance of the music. The copyright of the music covers the sound recording and the lyrics used within the piece. Even public domain music is not copyright free, even if the composition is copyright free the actual sound recording isn't. The copyright duration of the music a piece is 50 years from the end of calendar year in which the work was created, or if the work is released with that time. Then its 50 years from the end of the calendar year in which the work first released. The only time copyright is not automatically given to the individual who creates the work is if the creator is working through a company which has hired them to compose a piece of work for them.

Now I've brought public performance up in the last paragraph and that basically means that when you buy royalty free music, that music licensing does not include you us it for a public performances such as TV. If the piece was publicly performed the royalties paid to the composer when the music is aired. These royalties are not paid by you, but the network that is broadcasting it. So, for you the music licensing Royalty free, but Royalty maybe paid to the composer though the PRO or performance rights organisation. In a nutshell copyright ownership basically gives the creator of the right to control the way in which their material is used.
 The penalties for breaking copyrights vary depending on how you had infringed on the copyright law. For example if someone found out you were using their music without permission they could send you an email to politely ask you to remove your video from whatever website it is on, or in extreme cases if the copyright is infringed to the degree that the person's ‘stealing’ the music (or anything under copyright) and is making money on it. Then they can be taken to court and actually served prison time. The current copyright law is the copyright design and patents act 1988.

Article by: Gilles Arbour

YouTube and Copyright

Now there is a possibility that my work may be put up on YouTube, so I thought I would look into how they deal with copyright on their website. YouTube uses a system known as the Content Identification System to recognize videos that contain copyrighted audio or video. The ‘fingerprint’ of the media used in the video is compared with the database of copyrighted work. If flagged the copyright owner has the right to block the video or add an advertisement to the video. They also have the right to track the viewing statistics. If your video is removed for braking copyright then you will receive a strike. If you were to get three strikes then your account would be forcefully removed from the website.        


Friday 2 January 2015

How too make a DIPTYCH

How to make a Diptych

First thing to do is to go to File to Open and selected the images you wish to make into a Diptych

Once opened go to Image and selected Image Size.

In Image size go to document size and change the Centimetres to Inches

Change the High to 6 Inches and the rest will change on its own. Then press OK. Do this step for both images. Then next only needs to be done on one image. 

Now go back to Image and select the Canvas Size.

In Canvas Size change centimetres to inches again and dubble the width of the canvas to 12 inches

After making the changes move the Anchor Point to the left. this will make the space needed to place the other image. You only need to do this step for one image.

Remove the image with the extra space from the image bar, so you can drag and drop the other image into the image, much easyer. Use the little mouse looking icon move the image. 

line up the images next to one another and save the image. Remember to save as the image as to not save over the original image.

Christmas Vacation Homework


Me and Jim have a date. I'm going to start my workout before Christmas, so I can make room for all the food I'm going to eat. lol


Me, Harry, my mum and sister Emma went too see Santa today on the train. It was fun, but cold with it trying to rain on us all day.


Binge played my game all day like a boss.


Watched Netflix all day like a true couch potato.


 Spent today drawing anime. This is my own character.


Spent the day reading fan-fiction on the web. I love reading other peoples work as it inspires my
own story.


Read Manga most off the day. It didn't feel like a happy Christmas, so I ran away to other worlds for a bit. 


Yayyyyyyy its snowing. Everyone (Buster(Dog), Harry and Thomas) has come out the watch the snow fall. I love the flash images iv taken of the snow, it looks like a stary night or the universe. 


Today, me and Harry built a snow man together. He got cold so I came out and finished him off on my own. He is my own little Olaf.


I went out to Ogden today with Buster to take photos of the snow. There were so many people there today and it was so pretty. Buster had lots of fun he loves the snow.


Felt tired, so I spent the day as a couch bear and watched TV.


Trying out my new bedding today, as I plan to do nothing but sleep like I have a coma.


Went to Leeds to buy a dress for my night out on Saturday. Got to eat at Yoh Sushi it was amazingly yummy, but it beat me and I couldn't finish it all.


Spent the day reading manga to my hearts content. It was the best way to start a new year.


Spent the day cleaning and washing up, as I've run out of cloths. Best do some washing me thinks.


DUCK.... Went for a walk with buster and found a duck.


 Went to the sailing club.It was supper cold.