Thursday 29 January 2015

Object idea

Object idea

Objects are motionless fabrications of human needs and desires. If you were to truly follow the life of an object, you may find it to be a very dull existence. The object I am going to uses for the task is my teddy bear “Buttons”. After being inspired by the Thompson travel advert. I found the daily interaction of a loved stuffed bear and child an interesting concept to follow. I want to be realistic and creative in my planning, as well as, interpretation of this project. To document the relationship of the object and owner makes sense, as we are the ones that give objects their per-pass in life.
If I am allowed I would like to photograph my nephew Harry and the way he plays with Buttons. I plan to make the bear the soul focus of my images, only allowing parts of the child to enter the shots. This isolation of body parts keeps the focus on Buttons whiles still showing human interaction. Think from my perspective as a child I would often believe my toys to have a life of their own. This concept for me was only enhanced by the film “Toy Story”. After I would hide behind doors and jump out trying to catch them in the act, but it never happened. In some of my image I want to capture the bear on its own in the places my nephew leave him to show its motionless nature. Or, only have a shadow present in the image to show how he’s not alone and can’t move on his own.
I would like to create a timeline showing the daily life of my object, whiles creating iconic images of the bear doing human acts like brushing its teeth and travelling places on its own. I want to try give the illusion of free will in my object. In the images the bear will be wearing a tie to give the idea that playing with Harry is his job.  

Below are some of the scenes that I found inspiring form the Thompson travel advert.

i love how sad and neglected he looks in this video clip. The close focus and blurred background really isolate the viewer attention making you feel almost sorry for the bear, like it is a person. this feeling is the type of reaction I want to create within my image. The feeling that the bear is also a person too.

I like this image because it focuses on the bear, but still has the presence of a person within the image. This slight presence of a person without identification works really well in showing the relationship of the bear and owner. I would like to recreate this image in my own style and way.          

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