Friday 30 January 2015

Plan for the 17th of January 2015

Saturday 17th of January 2015

 After talking with my sister beforehand and getting her permission we both agreed that the shoot would take place on the 17th at around 12 noon and will stay till 4pm. I wanted to do the shoot at her home as the natural light in her home is much brighter than mine. But, due to circumstances my home was the decided location. I plan to use artificial light to take my photos as the natural light will not be enough to get a balance contrast and would appear too dark. The rooms that will be set up for the shoot are the living room, kitchen and conservatory. I plan to set up the scenes before they arrive, so I can get any unnecessary element out of my frames. I will be shooting at a relatively low angle, so that I can keep the bear ‘Buttons’ as the main focus of the shoot. I will use other techniques like the rule of third to get a well-balanced image. I only want to include the presence of Harry and not a directed focus on his face, but rather where he places his hands to create a subtle presence. This will show the closeness of own and bear creating a more loving relationship, whiles stress the bear importance. I plan to direct harry on what I want him to do, but still allow him to interact with ‘Buttons’ the way he wants. I plan to follow him around as he interacts with the bear and try to get the day for its perspective. This will create a natural feeling to my images. The only problem I am facing is the weather outcome for the day, as heavy snow is foretasted and may cause problems with my sister’s ability to get to my home. The weather also affects my outdoor shoot for the day as I had planned on having a shoot in the local park at around 2pm. If the weather is bad I may have to change my planning as it would be unsafe for Harry to be out playing in such condition and may affect his heath.  
Things I will need for the shoot:
·         Camera with a spare battery
·         Tripod if needed
·         Toys for Harry to play with
·         Buttons the bear with his tie on
·         Tie
·         Worm clothing for outdoor shoot
·         Winter boot

 Risk Assessment For the Shoot

Assessment Reference:
Unit 3
Activity Description:
Photo-shoot in the Home and Outside
16th January 2015
Alice Milnes

Review Date:

Assessment Team Members:

Overall Potential Risk Factor:
Course Details:
90 Credit Diploma Photography

Number of People Exposed:

Names of People Exposed:
Harry and Alice
Building-Place & Exact Location
445 Thornton road and the local park
Is This An Acceptable Risk?

Persons At Risk and How
Existing Control Measures
What are you currently doing to prevent it?
Risk Level
Additional Control Measures
What else do you need to do?
Risk Level
Falling down the stairs 
Will have an adult with him at all times
Serious Injury
Will now have anything in his hands so he can hold on to the railing.
Minor Injuries
Falling over when running
Tell him to walk not run
Highly likely
Minor Injuries
Will remove potential things he will fall over or hit 
Trivial Injuries
Getting hypothermia
Have him rap up in worm clothing
Minor Injuries
Keep him from getting too wet and only stay out until he complains he’s cold
Trivial Injuries
Slipping on the ice 
Harry and Alice
Hold his hand
Highly likely
Major Injury
Wear boots with good grip on the ice
Minor Injuries
Getting run over by a car
Harry and Alice
Hold his hand
Major Injury
Use the pelican crossing
Trivial Injuries

Assessment Conclusion

The overall risk is very low at 2.5, so the shoot will be taking place.

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