Friday 30 January 2015

After the Shoot on the 17th


After my shoot Refection

From this experience I have learned the preparation is key, as anything can happen. On the day of the shoot I was informed that my sister would not becoming due to the severe weather conditions But, this information proved to be false and she showed up earlier than expected. I was severely unprepared to take photos that day. From this experience I have learnt that preparation is the key with anything and that even if in the future client do not show up, or cannot make it, I should still be set up ready to shoot, as things can change dramatically depending on the situation and I find it to be more professional. I also learnt from the shoot that working with children is extremely difficult as they can’t always understand what to do or how to perform a task that has being given to them; especially when they are only four years old. My shoot overall failed because I could not successfully get the images that I had planned to take. The timescale given to me was limited to an hour which would not have been long enough to complete all the different location shoots I had planned for that day. I will now have to rethink how to develop my idea. To include the changes that will be needed, whilst keeping the concept of human presence. I think I'm going to ask my friends for help because they are older and it is easier to instruct them on how I want them to be positioned to take the photo that I need. Harry did not understand that I was trying to shoot the bear and kept putting his head in the frame, as I was taking the picture as you can see from the image below. I think that in the professional world children that are coached in the business probably are easier to work with as they have more of an understanding of what is being asked of them. This is all pure speculation as I've no idea what it is like to work in the professional world. Through this I have learnt that in the future I will have to do extra planning and research on how to work with different age groups in order to get them to cooperate when I'm trying to capture an image, specifically a constructed image rather than a photo simply taken as events take place.

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