Friday 2 January 2015

How too make a DIPTYCH

How to make a Diptych

First thing to do is to go to File to Open and selected the images you wish to make into a Diptych

Once opened go to Image and selected Image Size.

In Image size go to document size and change the Centimetres to Inches

Change the High to 6 Inches and the rest will change on its own. Then press OK. Do this step for both images. Then next only needs to be done on one image. 

Now go back to Image and select the Canvas Size.

In Canvas Size change centimetres to inches again and dubble the width of the canvas to 12 inches

After making the changes move the Anchor Point to the left. this will make the space needed to place the other image. You only need to do this step for one image.

Remove the image with the extra space from the image bar, so you can drag and drop the other image into the image, much easyer. Use the little mouse looking icon move the image. 

line up the images next to one another and save the image. Remember to save as the image as to not save over the original image.

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