Tuesday 16 December 2014


My overall evaluation of this project

Throughout this project I aimed to capture the effect of motion within photography. I feel that through practical research, trial and error I have found out how to properly achieve this. I think I have improved greatly throughout this project and have learned a lot in terms of what I want to get for my images and how to capture it. Next time I need to be more organised when doing my work so I don't have to ask for extra time all the time. I believe my project was successful since I was able to capture motion within my photographs. If I could change anything about this project it would be that I do research first before trying something new out in order to save time, but I like the fact that I also work that way because then I feel like I'm learning from my mistakes. By doing this project I have learnt to use the darkroom properly and effectively in order to create well exposed prints.

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