Tuesday 16 December 2014

Historical and Contemporary Research

Task 1a
Historical and Contemporary Research

Research found in Books

Book: World Press 14
Reference number:  779.907 WOR
Artist: Quinn Rooney

The image above captures a participant competing at the aquatics championship in the synchronised swimming division. I think this image has been taken using a fast shutter speed with a small aperture and high ISO setting. This is because the image is very sharp and well contrasted. I think this was taken on a digital camera and is one of a series of images taken using a quick shutter speed. This image caught my attention because of the power and motion created by the water as she spins. 

Book: Another London International photography captured city life from 1930-1980 
Reference: 779.09421 ANO
Artist: Elliot Erwitt
Name: Bus stop London 1952

I think this image was taken using a longer exposure setting with a high aperture number as the image is very sharp. The image may have been taken on a tripod because of the lack of camera shake within the image. I think the ISO setting for this image was low so that the image was not overexposed. The photograph caught my attention because I like the static nature of the people within the image is the car goes by. The overall exposure of this image is consistent and I like how it's been taken from a higher perspective obscuring the scale of the objects with in the image. The picture appears to have been taken using a film camera.

Research Found On-line

I coulnt find any old motion photography examples, so both these images are contemporary. I like this image because it is a really effectively panned image capturing motion. I think the image was taken using a digital camera and that the image was taken by hand, rather than on a tripod. The ISO was set low and the F-stop was wide for this image, but I thought at first the image had small aperture due to the image subject being very sharp. 

This image was taken using a 10 min exposure. The long exposure creates a milky effect to the water. I think this has been taken using a digital camera on a tripod. the photo was most likely taken at night.  

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