Tuesday 16 December 2014

Painting with light photographers

Task 1c
Photographers that paint with light
Darren Pearson

Light painting artist Darren Pearson has been painting with light since 2008. He first discovered the medium after being inspired by the work of Gjon Mili. The image that captured his attention was his recreation of Pablo Picasso’s, “Picasso Draws A Centaur”.  The influence of that piece can be seen throughout his work. Darren has pioneered the light painting technique of spinning a glass prism in front of the camera, while shining a light into the lens. To create rainbow prismatic circles. He says the hardest thing in Los Angeles is finding cool spots to take his picture, without too many weirdoes about. 

I chose this piece of his work because I like the irony of it. I think it had been created but taking multiple shots and then piecing them together to create a single image.  But after looking on his website and blog it clearly states that this image is one exposure with theses settings: F5.6, ISO 100, 165 second. He is a very talented artist that has mastered the ability to not be ghosting in his images. I recommend checking out his work on the website bellow:

Gjon Mili, 1930-1940s Light painting photographer

From the resurch I did on Darren I decided to look into the work of Gjon mili.  He was born in Albania and came to live in the united states in 1923. He was a self tought photographer and used stroboscopic light to captue the motion of the world around him in a single exsposure. In 1940 he attached small lights to the boots of ice skaters to capture their movements. This work would be the isspiration for some of the most famouse light painting images ever created.  In 1949 he was sents to photograth Pablo Picassoat his home in the south of France. Inspire by his work Picasso took a penligt and began to draw in the air. This incounter was the birth of one of Picassos most famous light drawings know as  “Picasso Draws A Centaur”. 

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