Thursday 18 June 2015

Andre De Freitas

Andre De Freitas

I like the way in which Andre combines people and the environment. The image above gives me this feeling of being trapped within the expectations society has of me, based on the stereotype of where I live. The bold outline of the person within the image gives the impression of not been able to escape the place you come from. The sharp and colourlessness creates a ridged unmoving and cold feel to the image. This only adds to feeling of isolation that I feel from this image.   

This next image is in complete contrast to the first as subject is not trapped within person, giving the image a softer and free feel to it. Nature is constantly in a state of change and like us is subject to change bast on the circumstances it is exposed too. I relay like double exposing images using people because the world around us is a refection of the society we live in.  Thought the use of buildings in this project we can see who we where and where we are going. I would like to create a double exposure image using a friend to experiment with the mood and message of the image.           


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