Sunday 12 October 2014

Mood Boards


My favourite colour is red. I find that it is the colour that excites me the most and makes me feel alive when I see it. This mood board is Constructed using photos I found on the internet and in magazines. I added my own drawings and some words I found that related to the word red such as: anger, love, passion/sex, danger, heat and hunger. I would love to add my own images in and I had the idea of putting teachers old comments of my work in. For me growing up red was a negative colour that highlighted my mistakes thought my school life.
According to an on-line colour personality meaning site. Having the colour Red as your favourite colour means you are action orientated and have a deep need for physical fulfilment. You live to experiences life through the five senses. To save me writing loads I only too the points I felt applied to me for this next bit. I radiate good vibes that attracted others to me. I'm always in a hurry to do everything at once and am determand when I want something. I get very aggressive and angry often exploding in verbal rage. There were other stuff too that I felt didn't apply to me like that I'm extroverted or confident.
Apparently having a dislike of a colour can reflect your weaknesses and vulnerabilities.
Also, the colour you like as a child is the colour you should go by when looking at you favourite colour and if its change as you have gotten older it can indicate the changes in your life. This means the colour pink might express my personality more than red... maybe ! 
I think it might be a good idea to add object or material to my mood boards to give them texture and a variety of media used to form them.    

 Green to Blue

I love the colour green. Its a relaxing colour that expresses growth, nature and fertility. I used the same media for this mood board as my red mood board. I chose from this point on to cross over the colours as to reflex how they are together when travelling by light. The other words that can be used to reflected green are, jealousy, envy, illness, money, healing and balance. 

Blue, Cyan, Magenta and Yellow

Blue is a very cold colour and be associated with winter. Its also a very calming colour. I found the colours cyan and magenta hard to find on the internet and magazine so my page ant as flashy as my red, green or blue pages.    

 Yellow to Black

Yellow always reminds me of Summer, Sunflowers and my Childhood. when I was small I window screen of a sunflower to block out the sun on the car window. Written on it was the song you are my only sunshine. I would sign it repeated whenever it got cloudy, as I belived it was a magic spell to chase the rain away. Black however is a frightening colour often associated with the monsters under your bed. It can be liked to death and evil, which is probably why its so strongly used in horror films. Its a very formal and classy colour too. 

This is a diagram I got of the internet to show you what are cool and warm colours.
Cool colour can have a calming effect on a viewer. if they are used alone they can come across as cold or impersonal.
Warm colours have more of an exciting happy effect. They can create a warm feel to an image, but if overused can be over stimulating leading to a feeling of anger, danger or violence.


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