Sunday 12 October 2014

Object Task Extra

Working Together 

This is my favourite image from the object shoot and it wouldn’t exist without the input I had from Trafford. I was getting frustrated with the results I was getting from my shoot, so I decided to look at what the others around me were doing to try and get some inspiration from the work they were creating. Whilst taking a look at Trafford’s work I was truly inspired by the composition and use of light in his photos. Wanting to understand how he got such good results I asked him and he told me to try out the way he had his camera set up. In my camera settings on manual mode I changed the iso to 200, the shutter speed to 200 and set the depth of field to 5.6 to produce this amazing image. For some strange reason it did not occur to me to change my iso setting because it was set to automatic. I really like that I am able to learn from others within my group and I hope that I can give the same knowledge to others, so we can all grow as photographers.
I like the balance of light throughout the image as it gives a nice sharp well exposed image. The vibrant colours of the paperclips contrast well with the darker colder colours of the bin lid. There is a nice depth of field to this image as it is focused foreground and blurred background gives more depth to the image. This image truly captures the still lifeless nature of the inanimate objects.

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