Sunday 12 October 2014

RGB/CMYK Grids and Conclusion

I did three of the RGB/CMYK grids because I wanted to show variety in my work. If I could help it I didn’t want to have too many repetitive themes in each column. One of the most re-accruing types of photos I used reflects my association with colour and nature. 

   Overall conclusion
Throughout this project I have come to realise that colour is a major factor in our everyday life, more than we realise. Colour plays a large part of our everyday lives either inadvertently or deliberately in our lives. We use colour to cover our flaws and to create a fake version of our naked selves. Colour can be used to enhance and extenuate our features in the hopes of attracting or hiding from the world around us. At our core we are all animals and colour effect our view and perception of the world around us. It’s how we interpret a situation and assess the environment around us. Colour can be used to express our inner selves, personalities and to some degrees our souls. Our daily lives are bombarded with advertisements to attract our attention and subconiousnessly affect our decisions in selecting products. The use of light in advertisements can be used to fool us into thinking that something is perfect or desirable. This project helped me to understand myself more in how the light and colour I surround myself with affects my mood on any specific day. I feel more awake seeing and feeling my surroundings in a spiritual way. I never really used to pay attention to the world around me before this project. This project made me think about the use of colour in nature to attract, warn and blend in with itself.
The composition of my images has improved throughout the project as I have become more aware of the components that compose my image. Ive learnt to move around move when composing an image to get the best prospective possible. i feel that I need to improve on my time keeping and to complete work as I get it not leaving it till later. I need to improve my attendance at college so I don’t fall behind or miss out on learning something new. I believe my project was a success as I got the result I was looking for. I have learnt to take into consideration what I want the viewer to see and feel. I found it kind of scary how you can use colour to subconsciously manipulate someone into feeling a certain way. By doing this project I have learnt to consider warm and cold colours within my photos as they can change the tone of an image. I really enjoyed this project and cant wait to use what I have learnt in future projects.

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