Sunday 12 October 2014

Day out around Thornton and Ogden (Last Shoot)

Day out around Thornton and Ogden 

Towards the end of the project I felt I didn't have enough images to select from to produce my final grids. I decided to venture out into my local area and capture the beautiful diverse place that Thornton has to offer. This also adds a personal aspect to my work giving it more meaning to me as an individual. I didn't just venture around the village that day I also took a short trip to Ogden waters where I often walk my dog. Throughout the project so far nature has been a feature throughout my work as I feel more drawn to the subject matter. This is prehaps a reflection of the environment I have grown up in. In this project based in colour I find myself thinking more about nature. 

As I walked around Ogden I I played with the features on my camera, keeping the vividness and contrast up slightly as I wanted the colours of the natural environment to stand out. My aim was to over exagerate the colours. I found that if I increased my shutter speed to give less of an exposure the colour within the image stood out more. Making the image darker gave a better contrast which led to the rich lush green colour within my image. The image above is the result of this process and is the strongest well composed image I felt I took that day in regards to the colour green. The image itself has been cropped because my four legged best friends habbit of popping up in the last second of capturing a image led to his head appearing in the very bottom of the photo. I think the light to shadow ratio within this image is well balanced giving it a good contrast. I like the composition of this image with the path cutting through the photo, your eye follows the path, but because there is more green on the left side of the image it gives the impression of going around a corner. Having colour in the sky works as a good contrast and gives a well balanced image. The bold vibrant green gives the feeling of a warm relaxing day. The absence of other people makes for a more sureal environment. Giving the viewer a feeling of peace and surenity. My friend Lucy really wants to go to this place, as she feels happy and warm looking at this image. I feel like im looking in a brochure at an image designed to attract visitors. 

In taking this image I found I had to increase my shutter speed to give less of an exposure, because taking a photo in auto mode. For some reason it was giving me a really light washed out image. I think this was due to how bright and sunny it was that day. The less exposed image gave me a much richer colour of cyan and helped to bring out the details of the fence. As there is a lack of light within this image the colour appears bolder. The lines within the image draw your eyes inwards giving it dept. As the background and the forground unfocused it makes the fence stand out and look bigger than it actually is.

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