Sunday 12 October 2014

Sign Task Analysis

Sign Task Analysis

These images are from my sign shoot,  we were asked to go out and photograph different coloured signs around the Bradford area. Signs are everywhere in our daily lives. They direct us towards our destinations, They warn us of impending danger and suggest caution be taken when involving ourselves in a situation that could become dangerous. As I've got older I've noticed an increase in the number signs warning about potential danger. I think this a result of a trend to sueing people or companies for not informing people of the potential risks. As a society, are we then becoming more reliant on signs to tell us about things that in the past would have been considered common sense? Signs are also used to draw us in to establishments in order to make a purchase. The more well known the brand is the more we associate the colour used within the logo with that brand. For example the colour yellow is associated with McDonald’s. Signs are also associated with actions, for example red is used at bus stops because the colour red is associated with stopping. This informs us that the vehicle will be stopping in that specific location. 

 I chose the image of the McDonalds sign because it is an iconic symbol within western society. This picture was taken at the McDonalds located in Girlington. I had to move around the sign so much in order to get a composition I was happy with. This is the first time I really focused on composition. This shows how much I have grown throughout this project, before I would have never taken notice of the other elements within the photo leading to a poorly composed image. I also think because I am taking composition into consideration, I am taking less photos because I have thought about what I am trying to capture before shooting the photo. This image was taken in the afternoon so that the sun light would illuminate the sign. To me this is a powerful image because the logo is surrounded by sky and is dominant within the image. Unchallenged by any other structure. This reflexs how powerful the logo has become in western society.

First Shot 

Second Shot

These are two images of the same sign both taken at the same time. I am going to compare the two images. I have put the pictures together to demonstrate how composition really affects the outcome as to whether the image is strong or not.
I felt that the first image I took was of poor quality, as the red wire pulled focus away from where I wanted the viewer to focus. The angels that compose this image have a negative effect as they draw the focus away from the main objective of the image. Realising this at the time I decided to take another photo from a different angle. I changed my camera angle from landscape to portrait. For me I feel the composition of the second image is much stronger as the focus of the image is more central. The intersecting angles at the bottom of the image help to draw the viewers attention upwards to create the illusion of participation, making you feel like you are part of the image and that you have been drawn in. Almost like you are the one looking up at the sign. By eliminating the distractions of any conflicting colours, it gives the darker colour of the image more power. The shape of the sign itself helps to draw the eye inwards, as the circles recede it almost forces you to focus on the sign within this image. 

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