Sunday 12 October 2014

Day out in Leeds Extra

Day out in Leeds 

Since I started this project I have begun to get into the habit of taking my camera everywhere, so on my trip to Leeds if anything related to this project caught my attention I wouldn't miss the opportunity to capture the moment. I'm glad I did because even though I didn't take many photos they still wouldn't exist hadn't I had my camera. A friend of mine once said photography is about been in the right place at the right time, so from now on my camera is going to be my constant companion. These are the two photos I felt were the best taken that day.

First Shot 

Second Shot

My first reaction was that it looked like the Tardis, I felt I had to capture this moment. I took timing and composition as I didn't want any white cars randomly popping up in my image. I also waited for there to be no people within the frame. I didn't feel that the first picture I took had any contex to it. It felt like something was missing. Upon taking the second photo from the same position by chance this little old lady popped into the frame and I instinctively pressed the shutter. The presence of the woman adds size and distance to the image giving you an idea of scale. The lines within the image that make up the street and the road help to direct you towards the phone booth and down the street. Giving the impression of been on a hill. The women's plain clothing and green bag help with a contrast to the cyan coloured telephone making that the main focus. It also helps to make the colour of the cyan appear more vibrant. The white sky in the background helps to accentuate the colours in the image.

I really love this image; it is defiantly my favourite of the day. The project gave me the confidence to approach this lady as this is something I find difficult. I felt I could relate to this image as I myself have red hair. The colour of her hair drew me to her; she stood out in a crowd of people. It was a miserable day, the white light made her stand out. I felt that if it had been a sunny day the image wouldn't have been as affective, the yellow sunlight would have pulled the focus away from her hair. As soon as I saw her I thought her hair was awesome and I had to ask for a photo. The colour reflected her exciting and loud personality. The darkness of the background in the photo pulled the focus solely on to her. I liked how the woman wasn't directly looking into the camera lens; it’s a very natural look and shows lots of character.    

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