Sunday 12 October 2014

Analysis of my Magenta image

Analysis of my Magenta image 


Grayscale and Duo-tone  
I don’t like this image. Originally I did, however the more I reflect on it the less I like the image. I chose it to greyscale as I was finding it difficult to find this colour during the Saltaire shoot.
After applying duo-tone and greyscale the image lost the intensity and vibrancy of the original image. Even after playing with the levels of the image I could not get a contrast that worked in helping to enhance the quality of the overall image. To me the image looks very flat and boring.
Although I like the depth of field within this image I don’t like the overall composition of the image. When I look at this photo, my eyes are drawn to the colours in the image yet it is not clear as where I should be looking. This is what I would class as a bad photo. The focus at the top and the lack of focus at the bottom confuses the eye.

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