Sunday 12 October 2014

Object Task

Object Task 

For this task we were asked to photograph a variety of objects which were provided by our teachers. The objects ranged across the seven of the colours catorgies that we are currently observing. The outcome of this task was to take indiviudal photos of the objects or group them together in their specific colour catorgies. Out of all the photoshoots so far I feel that this collection were my weakest. I just couldn’t think of a way that I could capture the objects in an interesting way. So, I've picked the two images that I found the most interesting from the shoot to talk about. Overall I feel like perhaps I was having a bad day.

The way I interripated this task was that the objects in our daily lives could be a reflection of our interests and personality. Do we choose objects based on their colour? We use colour  to decorate and create ceratin atomspheres in our homes. That is why no one room is the same. I can even imagine that there are people out there that have rooms decorated souly in one colour. If I ever did this task again I would probably collect objects from my own home and place them in situation that reflect their use within the home. For example the yellow washing up gloves covered in soap. I definantly would like to do this task again but it would depend on if I had enough time. 

The colour in this image is very vibrant and bold. The earthy contrast of the wall helps the accentuate this.  I also like the contrast of the smooth appearance of the pen and the grainy texture of the wall.  The line of light in the image helps to draw the eye inworde giving depth and helps draw your eye along the full lenth of the pen. 

This is not the best of images, but I do like way the light travels through the object and creates the red hue in the shadow. Choosing to photograph on with cartilage paper gives a nice contrast to the image and makes the red appearer solid/ bold in colour. I really don't like the competition of the image as there is an offending red apple and mystery person within the background. The only benefit to there presents is that they add depth to the image giving you a sense of distance. 

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